Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Rant, Moan, Blah.

One question I'd like to ask all of you crafters is how do you make the time to be creative? I'm in a moaning mood today and I'm getting annoyed at myself for what I feel is a constant lack of productivity. We all have the same hours in the day and I read so many blogs where people have made fab cards on a daily basis, yet I'm usually lucky to come up with one a week!

This, BTW, is this week's card:

I'd love, for instance, to keep my Etsy shop more regularly updated, and to enter challenges and to share ideas, but I always seem to prioritise a million other things over cardmaking. Has anyone got any tips regarding how they motivate themselves and make the time? Does anyone else feel guilty if they sit making cards when the toilet needs cleaning? I'm in need of advice on this one!

OK, moan over. Despite my little rant there, I've had a pleasant weekend. Himself and I began decorating his man-pad and a good few hours were spent on Saturday rollering walls and ceilings in the lounge. There is still a good way to go but at least it's a start. We didn't even fall out and start throwing paint at each other! Even better, we got to stuff our faces with pizza afterwards!

Sunday I was working so no rest for the wicked there. It was quite "invigorating" though. I'd forgotten how hectic weekends at work can be. And through all this there have been cat bowel worries (againnn - zzz!) as I hoiked Ben to the vets for the millionth time. He's so crabbit when he's there, he turns into Devil Cat within seconds. You gotta love him though. Maybe.

Sorry for the lengthy waffle tonight and lack of cards to show. Normal service should resume soon!


Ruthie said...

You know, sometimes crafting has to take a back seat and other times it just runs to the fore....and most other crafters would prob agree that they dont craft as much as they would like to! In reality, I reckon there are a lot more people who are like us (struggling to find the time) than like THEM (crafting daily!)...lolx


Debbie said...

Thanks Ruthie, yes, I'm just hard on myself when I don't feel I'm being "productive" enough! But, as they say, it's not quantity but quality that counts, eh?

Debbie x

ScottishPrincess said...

At the moment, due to a sudden urge to get fit, lose weight, etc., I'm having exactly the same problem. NORMALLY, I can sit after dinner and make things. At the moment dinner is happening at supper time so by the time I'm finished eating it's time for bed.

BTW, I just found out Paper Mill sells jewellery findings last week when I was in there looking for some pretty paper to make a birthday card with so I may shop there more often.