Monday, 2 November 2009

Cosy v Scary

Hello folks, hope you all had a good Halloween. Mine was spent in "interesting" circumstances at a Hen Night in the centre of Glasgow, that I was not entirely sure I would come back alive from. But I lived to tell the tale, which included a pleasant meal, a "tired and emotional" bride-to-be, a Sex and the City theme (we scrubbed up well if I say so myself), an encounter with grown men dressed as Oompah-Lumpahs (bizzarre!) and actually managing to find our way there and back without ending up just north of Aberdeen. It was fine but I'm rapidly reaching the conclusion that I'm just not a party animal in any shape or form!

Much more my scene was a cosy day in yesterday; wild weather outside, a game of Scrabble with Himself (he won - bah!), a veggie curry and curling up under a throw to watch X Factor. Bliss!

I've spent a couple of evenings in front of the telly, making Christmas embellishments:

And I finally used my new Craftwork Cards stamps to make this New Home card:

PPs are Wild Asparagus from My Minds' Eye, just love those papers! The stamps are pretty nice to use as well.

That's all for now; the cats are tearing round the lounge in a frenzy so I'd better go and rescue my priceless Ming vase (ahem) from toppling. Byyeee!

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