Monday, 10 January 2011

Frosty Frolickings

There's nothing like behaving like a big kid to take one's mind off one's worries, and yesterday I did just that! Rather than moaning about the recent reappearance of the snow, Himself and I decided to join a couple of friends and their daughter in a bout of sledging at the golf course. I usually avoid any activities that involve hurtling downhill at speed on bits of plastic, but this time I threw caution to the wind and let myself go.

It was a bit tiresome climbing back up the hill each time but the cold air and exertion certainly got the circulation going!

Himself speeds down the hill straight into the path of Man with Small Child.

Small Person sledging.

No one playing golf today then?

The best part of all - warming up in the clubhouse afterwards!

My body is feeling the after-effects of such exertion today, so perhaps people over the age of 35 should no longer participate in such childlike frivolities, but so what, we enjoyed ourselves! (And it's made me a bit fonder of snow so that's got to be a good thing!)

In the evening I cuddled up to my hot water bottle and made a set of lovey-dovey notecards. I used my dotty background stamp and cut some heart shapes out from it, and voila! These are for those of you that do romantic things like leaving little love-notes around the place for your partner to find (blegh!) Each to their own, I suppose!

1 comment:

misteejay said...

Love the cards.

Great photos - looks like you all had a fab time.

Toni :o)